穀物成分は、100% USDA オーガニック認定の伝統的なソフトホワイト小麦から成り、アイルランドとスコットランドのウイスキー酵母を使用して発酵させ、2 回蒸留し、新しい No.3 焦がした 53 ガロンのアメリカンホワイトオーク樽で 6 年以上熟成されています。

Got It For a close friend. I had given her one a couple months ago, she really enjoyed it, so I got her another one...
I’ve been enjoying this whiskey since we lived on the island 2012-2014 and was excited when it could be delivered to our home in AZ.
Wonderful taste
We lived on Bainbridge for eight years and enjoyed many visits to the Distillery and tasting the whiskey. We now live in Williamsburg, Virginia and were thrilled when we could not only order some for us to share with our neighbors here but to send bottles for gifts to friends who loved visiting us on Bainbridge. Sending our best regards to Conner and Erin. Happy Thanksgiving! All the best, Jim and Jackie Kennedy.
Great stuff!