私たちは、バーモント州パトニーの家族経営の農場で作られた 100% 認定オーガニック グレード A のメープル シロップから始め、それを蒸留所のバトル ポイント ウイスキー樽で数か月熟成させます。パンケーキにかけたり、カクテルやレシピのクリエイティブな材料としてお使いください。各ボトルは 375 ミリリットルです。

I ordered Bainbridge Maple Syrup for Christmas. I plan to give this to my friends for the holidays. I received the product in a very timely manner. Packaging was secure and well insulated to ensure that the product would not come broken. I love the product and know those who received it from me, will as well. Thank you so much !!!
Absolutely great product
Very good.
My brother in law absolutely
Loves your barrel aged maple syrup. When his order for your maple syrup is delivered,he celebrates. I have often talked to Erin when ordering your syrup. She is always kind and helpful. Thank you Erin!