배틀 포인트 프렌치 오크 – 본드 위스키 병입
배틀 포인트 프렌치 오크 – 본드 위스키 병입
픽업 사용 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
2X 증류된 Battle Point는 미국산 오크의 표준 숙성을 피하고 Quercus robur 또는 French Oak에서 장기간 숙성을 선택합니다. 이 59갤런 배럴은 No. 3+ 숯과 구운 헤드를 갖춘 Bainbridge를 위해 맞춤 제작되었으며, 위스키는 냉각되지 않은 여과 후 Bottled-In-Bond 100 Proof에서 병에 담기 전 7~8년 숙성됩니다.
강렬한 계피와 베이킹 스파이스, 갓 자른 삼나무와 코에 브랜디드 체리, 다크 초콜릿, 장미수, 미각의 붉은 과일, 시원한 유칼립투스와 멘톨, 따뜻한 향신료로 마무리됩니다.
2023년 World Whiskys Awards 금상, 2023년 Ultimate Spirits Challenge 95점, 2023년 San Francisco World Spirits Competition 금상.

Bainbridge has crafted a very unique and quite delicious whiskey in the Battle Point French Oak BIB. I am a huge fan of whiskies aged/finished in French Oak barrels and this is one of the best I've enjoyed. Complex aromas and palate... sweet but not overly so... a most enjoyable sipper!
We have loved Bainbridge Organic Distillers for many years, particularly the whiskeys and fir gin. Excited to be able to ship as presents now across the US. I do hope you work the kinks out with the third party shippers. The shipping was a bit fuzzy as to who was actually shipping.
An old friend who was a whiskey aficionado died recently... he used to tell me about how great Bainbridge Distillers was... I decided to order this as a nod to his guidance. He was So Right... so smooth, vanilla, butterscotch, a desert reminiscent of liquor-infused holiday fruits. My only complaint is that my friend isn't here to share it with me.
Very smooth! Great finish!